Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Save the Arctic

by Renaud de Richter


- This idea was proposed by Denis Bonnelle,
'Solar Chimney, water spraying Energy Tower, and linked renewable energy conversion devices: presentation, criticism and proposals', p120-125.
PhD thesis 9 July 2004, university Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, registration n°129-2004.

- For more ideas, see: 
Fighting global warming by climate engineering: Is the Earth radiation management and the solar radiation management any option for fighting climate change?
By Tingzhen Ming, Renaud de_Richter, Wei Liu and Sylvain Caillol

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Covering parts of oceans with snow-like material

To combat global warming, William (Bill) Johns, of Chemcept Ltd, suggests to cover part of the surface of the oceans with a material as reflective as snow. The materials could be made from conventional polymers, using facilities that currently produce (excessive) packaging for retail products. 

 Bill notes that the reflective capacity of such material depends on where it will be positioned in the oceans. The closer to the equator, the more effective it will be. Snow is now predominantly located close to the poles and appears from the sun as two small rims on the edges of Earth that receive less sunshine than any other area on Earth. Yet, this relatively small snow-covered area accounts for a cooling of Earth of about three degrees Celsius, Bill estimates, because snow reflects nearly 90% of the solar radiation that falls on it. Positioning the material closer to the equator will therefore require less surface than the areas of the poles currently covered by snow -- the closer to the equator, the less surface will be needed, in order to achieve the same amount of cooling. 

For more, see: